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We want you to enjoy your holiday and your destination to the full, and to this end we aim to make our holidays as flexible as possible. Because we offer holidays for individuals, as well as groups (so we will happily cater for your own private group), we can handle each booking individually, thus allowing you to adapt your itinerary so that it’s just right for you.


On the majority of holidays, you can start any day you like – you’re not restricted to certain dates. We also offer a wide range of travel options – you can fly, take your car for your holiday. Whichever travel method you choose, we can offer upgrades and book a whole range of routes and operators, particularly if you are flying to your destination – we list a wide variety of flight options on the holiday pages and will be happy to advise you on the options from your local airport. If you prefer to book your own travel arrangements, you can do this too, or on many holidays by air you can book your flights independently but arrange the connecting travel through us.

Regardless of how you travel, you are free to make your holiday as long as you wish (though certain rules apply to short breaks). You can add extra nights (or weeks in some cases) at any hotel, even those in the middle of itineraries featuring several hotels.


Alternatively, you could combine two holidays, be they from the same programme (eg two walking holidays) or different programmes (eg a cycle holiday and a stay in a villa). Please contact usto discuss the best combinations.


As with any aspect of your holiday, please contact us if you need any advice on tailoring your holiday. Our friendly reservations team has stayed in our featured hotels and are experts in personalising travel arrangements, so they will be able to guide you through the options available to you.

North Cyprus Walks



3 DAYS Tours 

Only pay

Daily or Weekly

£ 70 PP

Walking  or Cultural Holiday Package 



Easy to Moderate Walks and Historical tours with a small group 


3 Day Guided Tours & Airport Transfer


Packed Lunch


Licensed & English speaking Guide




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