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  • guided walking,  Cultural or Historical holidays in North Cyprus

  • guide provided exclusively for your party

  • Tailor made holiday or tours can be arranged 



North Cyprus Walk / I usually focus on escorted walking , cultural and historical holidays offering first-rate walking and historical tours but which I feel, due to the nature of the terrain or the poor quality of the mapping and waymarking, are best explored with a local guide. However, because I want you to enjoy a similar experience to that of any other North Cyprus Walks travel walking holiday .. These privately or group guided holidays give you the best of both worlds – the ability to set the pace while also drawing on the knowledge and route-finding skills of a local expert. 

With my guidance , you appreciate the landscapes for yourselves as I lead the way, I will be always on hand to answer any questions and to ensure your safety and enjoyment.


If you would like any advice on choosing one of our guided walking holidays, please feel free  to ask  me any question if you have any enquiry.


Please visit my page Daily tours or Our special packages for more info!

North Cyprus Walks



3 DAYS Tours 

Only pay

Daily or Weekly

£ 70 PP

Walking  or Cultural Holiday Package 



Easy to Moderate Walks and Historical tours with a small group 


3 Day Guided Tours & Airport Transfer


Packed Lunch


Licensed & English speaking Guide




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