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walking Trails


There are 603 kms of trails marked with green and white paint marks (rectangular and circular). The trails are located between Cape Kormacit and Cape Karpaz. Majority of the trails were marked on existing forest tracks, trails of the Mountaineering Association and new trails opened in the project.


​North Cyprus  Walking holiday is based on the north part of Cyprus in an area considered the most beautiful part of the Island. There lies the Kyrenia Mountain range, a landscape of majestic limestone, marbles and dolomites with a few number of impressive medieval castles. The whole island is simply stunning when the flowers are in full bloom. This is a delightful part of Cyprus with a fascinating history and cultural background.




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North Cyprus is the quite essential destination for rambling, hiking and walking holidays. 


North Cyprus Walks company offers some of the World’s very best scenery, picturesque villages, pleasant strolls and exhilarating treks. North Cyprus Walking programme provides walking adventures from rugged hikes around the Five Finger Mountain to pleasant walks along the West part of Kyrenia.


From the easiest of rambles, to sightseeing strolls taking in our natural heritage and history, good day hikes in moorland and hill country to some of the most challenging guided mountain walks anywhere in the world, you'll find it here.


  • The difficulty of walking/hiking the trails range from easy, medium, difficult to very difficult. From novice to expert, there is a perfect walking/hiking trail for every level of expertise.


  •  Information boards with maps and information about the area are installed at most of the trail heads.



North Cyprus Walks



3 DAYS Tours 

Only pay

Daily or Weekly

£ 70 PP

Walking  or Cultural Holiday Package 



Easy to Moderate Walks and Historical tours with a small group 


3 Day Guided Tours & Airport Transfer


Packed Lunch


Licensed & English speaking Guide




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