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6 Day Guided Hiking and Historical Tour of North Cyprus




470.00 GBP  640 EURO OR 730 $

per person


based on you sharing a double/twin room

Includes B/B board accommodation in 3-4* hotel



Day 1: Arrival and check-in to hotel just around Kyrenia area !


Day 2: We head first to the interesting hiking tour trough Pentadaktylos mountains as the starting point will be Kyrenia Rock where you can enjoy spectacular views on the Northern coastline. We continue our route to Sourp Magar, an impressive abandoned Armenian monastery dating back to the 12th century. We will have a packed lunch at the picnic area and then gradually descending towards the coast until we reach the Herbarium at Alevkayasi picnic area. Our day is a warm welcome of what to expect as our week progresses into more exciting landscapes.

Walking distance: 8 km ( 4 hours)
Walking level: easy to moderate


Through beautifully scented pine forest the trail goes to the abandoned Armenian monastery of Sourp Magar and further on to popular picnic site of Alevkaya. In the afternoon sightseeing of the impressive crusader castle of St. Hilarion, situated high above Kyrenia.



Day 3:


We will climb to the mountain which is near to the Buffavento catle was once used by the king as a hideaway from Richard Lionheart. We will have breathtaking views to the North coastline along the Kyrenia. We will then have a lunch break under some trees. We continue westwards on the Southern flank of the mountain range.We will walk on the road, then uphill into the forest and downhill again, back to Bellapais. 

Walking distance: 12 km
Walking level: easy to moderate


 In the early afternoon there is a visit to the Abbey of Bellapais, which is said to be one of the most beautiful examples of Gothic architecture in the Levant Region. Leisure time will be available for a coffee or tea next to the abbey.


Day 4: Today there will be a bus excursion to the St. Barnabas Monastery which includes an Icon and Archeological Museum. Then continue on to the ancient city of Salamis (roman theater, baths and palaestra). In the afternoon a visit of Famagusta (Gazi Mağosa ) with its stunning medieval city fortifications and the Lala Mustafa Paşa Mosque, the  former St. Nikolaus Cathedral.  Time again for a stroll and a coffee in one of the cafes in the square.

Day 5: We will head to the western part of Kyrenia as beyond the village of Kalkanlı the trail begins, leading through an old olive grove with monumental olive trees (some are around 600 years old),and overlooking an elevated plain with unique views over the bay of Güzelyurt. In the afternoon there is a visit to Kyrenia with its picturesque harbor. A guided tour of Kyrenia Castle and the shipwreck museum is included.  Free time for coffee and a stroll around the town and harbor.


Day  6: Head along the northern coast to the small village Kantara. The hike leads along the north and south slopes of the Kyrenia Mountain Range to the mighty stronghold castle of Kantara. The highest peak offers panoramic views along the North Cyprus coastline and the mountain range.


Day 7: Depart to the picnic area of Alevkaya. The trail then heads along the mountain range to the hidden byzantine Monastery of Antiphonitis and offers great views to the plain Mesaoria and the northern coastline. Here will enjoy a late picnic in the monastery garden. Afterwards visit of the small church which still has frescoes from the 12th and 15th century.


Day 8:  Transfer back to the Airport!





Average walking time is 4 hours, and all of the trails are considered to be an easy to moderate level. Sometimes trails are undulated and stony with some steep sections and steps in the castles.


We recommend proper walking boots, and walking poles can be useful. A small rucksack for water and snacks is quite useful.  According to the season do not forget sun or rain protection.

North Cyprus Walks



3 DAYS Tours 

Only pay

Daily or Weekly

£ 70 PP

Walking  or Cultural Holiday Package 



Easy to Moderate Walks and Historical tours with a small group 


3 Day Guided Tours & Airport Transfer


Packed Lunch


Licensed & English speaking Guide




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