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Under North Cyprus walks, I provide guided or self guided walking, hiking holidays with a magnificent sightseeing in Troodos mountain in the South and Five Finger mountain in the Northern part of Cyprus,  a profusion of wild flowers, colourful annenomis, over 32 type of orchids rugged terrain to explore, and hardly anyone else in sight. A walk/hiking in Cyprus at spring time of the year fills the eyes with great beauty and the nose with great scents.
If you are looking for a day to remember in Cyprus,  guided or self- guided walking/hiking, sightseeing holiday with an unspoiled natural beauty in Cyprus , this is a great opportunity for your holiday, including me as providing the service of an experienced and licensed English speaking guide!.






For more information about our North Cyprus Walking holidays, click on each page: View our Daily Activities

North Cyprus walks / Walking Holidays in Northern Cyprus




Every Mondays, Armenian Monastery (Sourp Magar) will be organised in Alevkayası located near Five Finger Mountain. It's 8 kilometers & (3 – 4 hours) tour with moderate walk and narrow trails through forest along slopes. We will have a lunch break in picnik area and then we will continue visiting Herbarium museum.



Every Wed, we journey to Kantara to enjoy a morning’s walking to a medieval mountain fortress followed by a visit to an authentic village. We walk along a panoramic ridge path to Kantara Castle, a bastion which appears to be growing out of the rock. the easternmost of the three mountain fortresses of Northern Cyprus. 




Family activity holidays in Europe and Morocco are aimed at families who want something more varied than spending every day by the pool, but who don’t want to join a group following a hectic itinerary. 



We start walking right before the Animal Rescue Centre and walk around the Five Finger Mountain in a circle. It's 5 kilometers ( or 2 hours) tour with easy walk and wide trails all around the mountain. No lunch included for this tour.



Enjoy joining our historical or archaeological tour. Everywhere in our islands has a story to tell, from Persian time to British period with pilgrimage routes and locations.


There is a great selection of our historical holidays giving a glimpse into the past along the route.


Please check out more on our Historical Tour!!



Some people would rather walk independently and discover North Cyprus at their own way. Therefore, we also provide daily-guided walks as well as self-guided walks. For those of you who choose where and when you want to go, for how long and how fast the options are all yours.


  With a self-guided tour you have the freedom and ability to explore the East all the way down to West parts of North Cyprus.


For your five days walking we would transport you to the start of the trails and provide you with maps and notes to follow the way marked trails. We will then pick you up at the end of the walk. Most of the walks end in a place of interest so we will give you time to explore and pick you up at an agreed time.

North Cyprus Walks



3 DAYS Tours 

Only pay

Daily or Weekly

£ 70 PP

Walking  or Cultural Holiday Package 



Easy to Moderate Walks and Historical tours with a small group 


3 Day Guided Tours & Airport Transfer


Packed Lunch


Licensed & English speaking Guide




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